World Book Day 2025

On Thursday 6th March, Sandhill students had a fantastic time celebrating World Book Day. The children wore pyjamas or dressed up as their favourite character. There was also a competition for Best Dressed, to celebrate the effort put into their character costumes. The children listened to a story in assembly, then were asked to make […]
Y5/6 Climbing!

Recently, Y5 and Y6 spent a day at the WPT climbing wall. All the children were super determined to succeed, by climbing as high as they could. There was also the opportunity to take part in climbing races against each other and in teams, with some healthy competition shown. The children said they all really […]
Y4 Maths

This week in Maths, Y4 have started their new topic, Length and Perimeter. The children practiced by using cm and mm to measure the length of objects around the classroom, before putting these skills into their work. Fantastic work, well done Y4! #WeAreEquippedToLearn
Pantomime at Sandhill

This month, Years 1 to 6 were surprised with a performance of the pantomime, Snow White. The children had a fantastic afternoon, watching the professionals on the stage, and some of the staff made an appearance too! The younger children enjoyed an afternoon of films in their classroom. Well done everyone, you represented Sandhill brilliantly! […]
Christmas Craft Afternoon!

Yesterday, we invited parents and carers into school to take part in Christmas themed crafts with their children. The children loved showing their grown ups how creative they are, and lots of the grown ups were able to show off their crafting skills too! Breakfast Club and after school Craft Club have also been indulging […]
SEND Newsletter – Autumn 2024

Our latest SEND Newsletter is here! Click the link below to see what we’ve been up to. Click here
Sandhill Nativity!

On Wednesday 18th December, Sandhill held their FS2 and KS1 Nativity, called ‘Whoops-a-Daisy Angel’. The children were all superstars, who enthusiastically sang all the words and did all the actions, the narrators and actors performed their lines beautifully. Well done to all the children involved, and a shout out to the staff who worked hard […]
Father Christmas Visits Sandhill!

This week we had a very special surprise guest in school… Father Christmas! All of the children received a present of a new book, chosen especially for them by Santa and his helpers, and the children were excited to let him know if there was anything in particular they were hoping for this year. #WeRespectOthers
Sandhill Christmas Dinner!

On Wednesday 4th December, all children were invited to wear a Christmas jumper to school, for Christmas Dinner in the hall. The day started with the Sandhill tradition of Year 6 decorating the Christmas Tree, they did a fantastic job! Following the decoration of the hall, children came to eat a delicious Christmas dinner with […]
Sandhill Winter Party!

Last week, Sandhill started their festive season celebrations with an after school Winter Party. This was held in the main school with all year groups, and FS1 were invited for the first time! The children dressed up in their Winter finery, danced, played games, and ate hotdogs. Everyone had so much fun! #WeRespectOthers