“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


to Year 5/6


Mr Cairns

Meet your teacher

Mr Cairns

Welcome to Legendary Lions Y5/6, your final year at Rawmarsh Sandhill Primary School! My name is Mr Cairns and I’ll be your teacher for the upcoming school year. I’m really looking forward to teaching you all and watching you grow into mature young adults.

Outside school, I love to play football and golf. I also enjoy going to the gym!

We have lots of fun and exciting activities to look forward to, as well as our Robinhood residential towards the end of the year. This year, it is essential that you work really hard, push yourselves so you can achieve and reach your goals and develop your resilience as we will be doing SATS. However, there is no need to worry about this as we will take it all in our strides and I’ll be here to support you every step of the way. Let’s rise to the challenge!

Meet your teaching assistant

Mrs Elvidge

My name is Mrs Elvidge and I’ll be your teaching assistant for the upcoming school year! I’m really looking forward to helping you all with your learning – remember I will always be there for you if you are struggling! Let’s smash this year together as a team.

Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my family going out for meals and socialising.


Class Information

The school day starts at 8.45 but the register will be closed at 9am. We will reward you with Dojo points for being on time and in every day as well as using the Sandhill Ways. You will also get Team Point for working as a team, participating in your learning and contributing during lessons.

Your class dojo name is Legendary Lions and we will post on there when your PE days are. We would also like you to come to school every day in your uniform. The school day ends at 3.15pm.

Areas of Learning

In History, we will be learning about WW2 and visiting Eden Camp and the Holocaust museum to have first hand experience.

In Geography, we shall be travelling across the world to Asia to discover lots about a range of countries – discovering why people migrate to the different biomes in the world to the different flauna and flora.

In Art, we will be studying artists such as: Caroline Appleyard, Vincent Van Gogh, Velarie Ganz and Pablo Picasso learning how to create some spectauclar pieces of artwork.

We will be covering a range of genres in Reading and Writing, enabling us to develop our skills and become confident writers.

Finally, in Maths, we will be exploring numbers to 1 million as well as diving into more tricky areas such as fractions and decimals.

We will also have PE twice a week. For this you will need to have black PE shorts/trousers and a white t-shirt.

Class News

WPT School Report

2024 marks 10 years since Wickersley School and Sports College academised and the inception of Wickersley Partnership Trust. To mark the occasion, WPT is putting

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Sandhill White

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