“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”

Welcome to 

Rawmarsh Sandhill Primary School

Proud to be Sandhill.

Welcome from the Headteacher

Hello and welcome to our website.

It is with great pleasure, as Headteacher of the school, that I welcome you to our website and hope it provides you with all the up-to-date and relevant information you need to find out about our nurturing, community school. Please use the social media links at the top of our page to see even more amazing things going on in school, and if a parent/carer of a child in school, remember to link to your child’s class on ClassDojo. Lots of our exciting learning and key information and messages are posted in this way.

I joined the school in September 2021, having worked across schools in Rotherham for the last 17 years. Being the leader of a school is an immense privilege and my personal belief is that the children are at the centre of everything we do and deserve to have their experiences broadened regardless of background. I’m a firm believer, and have a passion for ensuring, that… 

Latest News

School News

Y4 Maths

This week in Maths, Y4 have started their new topic, Length and Perimeter. The children practiced by using cm and

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Sandhill Nativity!

On Wednesday 18th December, Sandhill held their FS2 and KS1 Nativity, called ‘Whoops-a-Daisy Angel’. The children were all superstars, who

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Sandhill White

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