Provision in school meets the needs of pupils in the following broad areas:
Communication and interaction.
- Children and young people with speech, language and communication needs who have difficulty communicating with others.
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
Cognition and learning
- Moderate learning difficulties (MLD).
- Specific learning difficulties (SLD), for example dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia.
Social, emotional and mental health difficulties
- Attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or attachment disorder.
- Children who are withdrawn or isolated, as well as those with challenging OR disruptive behaviour.
- Anxiety, depression.
Sensory and/or physical needs
- Vision impairment (VI), hearing impairment (HI), or multi-sensory impairment (MSI).
- Physical difficulties (PD)
The following policies are used to support identifying children and young people with SEN:
- SEN Policy
- Behaviour and Inclusion Policy
- Equality and Diversity
- Accessibility Plan
- Equal Opportunities
The best person to talk to is your child’s class teacher as they are the ones who teach your child on a day-to-day basis and understand in detail the progress your child is making with their learning and social and emotional skills and any difficulties your child may be encountering. To speak to the class teacher parents can contact school on 01709 710875 or use dojo messaging
You could also speak to the school’s SENDCO who will be able to answer some of your questions.
You can contact either SENDCOs, Lucy Hartley or Becky Breedon on 01709710875
If your child has support from an outside agency such as Speech and Language Therapy or Specialist Inclusion teacher they will also be able to respond to some of the questions or concerns you may have.
Here are a list of useful numbers;
- Speech and Language Therapy Service 01709 423229 or 423230
- Visual Impairment Service 01709 336415
- Hearing Impairment Service 01709 336430
- Child Development Centre 01709 428850
- Occupational Therapy 01709 424400
- Physiotherapy 01709 424400
- Autism Communication Team 01709 336413
- Psychology Service 01709 822581
- 0-19 service 01709 820000
- Early Help 01709 382121
The local authority also provides an independent parent support service where information can be obtained about a range of SEND.
Parent Partnership Service (SENDIAS) can be contacted on 01709 823627
Parent partnership is the key to success for all our children.
We recognise that:-
- Parents have a unique overview of their child’s needs and how best to support them and that this gives them a key role in the partnership.
- Parents hold key information and have a critical role to play in their child’s education.
- Parents have unique strengths, knowledge and experience to contribute to the shared view of their child’s needs and the best way of supporting them.
Parents are encouraged to firstly speak with class teachers whenever they have any concerns, questions or updates. You can do this in a variety of ways
- Speak directly to the class teacher on drop off or pick ups and arrange a convenient time for a discussion
- Message class teacher on dojo
- Phone school and the class teacher will phone back when appropriate (01709 710875)
All parents are invited for parent consultations termly with your child’s class teacher. In addition if a child is on the SEN Register (has a SEN plan) parents are also invited for a review with the class teacher, SENDCO and Specialist Inclusion Teacher if appropriate.
Parent’s knowledge is often included when completing assessments to create the bigger picture of the child e.g. completing sensory questionnaires.
Your child’s views will be sought on a daily basis in school. They will be asked to evaluate their own progress towards achieving the success criteria in a lesson.
All children contribute to the reviewing of their learning targets – both in class termly targets and SEND Support Plan or Specialist Inclusion targets for those with SEN. In preparation for each review the child’s views will also be included. Occasionally, it may be appropriate for the pupil to attend the review meeting.
Your child may be asked to complete a ‘smiley face’ chart or scaling chart to show how they feel about different aspects of school life.
At Annual Reviews for EHCPs your child will be able to attend part of the review to put forward their views, if your child feels confident to do this. Otherwise their views will be presented by a parent or member of school staff.
Teachers carry out a range of assessments to support decisions about each child’s attainment and progress.
All children will have;
- On entry assessment
- Observation during lessons or around school.
- Marking of work.
- Formal assessments such as Maths, reading, phonics or writing tests which give a level or standardised score.
- Informal assessments such as weekly spelling tests or mental arithmetic tests.
- Assessments which help pinpoint a pupil’s specific areas of weakness in an aspect of learning.
- Teachers identify pupils making less than expected progress given their age and individual circumstances.
If progress is;
- is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
- Does not match or better the child’s previous rate of progress
- The attainment gap between the child and their peers continues to widen.
A child may fall behind with their learning for many reasons, not all of these will mean the child has a Special Educational Need. They may have been absent from school, they may have attended lots of different schools and not had a consistent opportunity to learn, they may be worried about things which distract them from their learning.
If a child is not making the progress the Class Teacher will:
- Identify the aspect(s) which the child has not understood
- Break the learning objective down into smaller steps or go back to an earlier learning objective (a differentiated curriculum)
- Teach the child the next small step they need to remove their barrier to learning
- Review the child’s progress again
To decide whether a pupil has SEN a combination of the following will be considered following the Graduated Response
- Parental concerns about their child’s progress or emotional state.
- Regular discussions with parents regarding their child’s progress
- Pupil concerns about their progress or emotional state.
- Discussion with the SENDCO
- Completing a SNAP assessment a more detailed assessment with strategies to implement
- Completing a sensory questionnaire
- Report with a diagnosis from an outside agency or liaising with outside agencies for additional support or guidance.
- Concerns raised by outside agencies e.g. Health, Speech and Language therapist, Health Visitor, School Nurse etc.
- Liaison with the previous school/setting.
- Concerns raised by a teacher around pupil attainment, progress, mental health and well-beingor behaviour where there has been no or limited improvement after specific, focused teaching has taken place to address the issue.
If a learner is identified as having SEN, we will make provision that is ‘additional to or different from’ the normal differentiated curriculum
Transition is a part of life for all learners; this could be transition to a new class or a new school. We would ask parents to inform us as soon as possible if their child is moving to a different school so that there is time to plan for the transition.
For all pupils, including those with additional needs, who are leaving our school we:
- Ensure that information is passed on to the receiving school in a timely manner.
- Follow transition procedures set by the receiving school.
- Facilitate visits by staff from the new school to meet the children, pass on information to them and address their concerns.
- Facilitate visits to the new school by the pupils so that they can become familiar with the environment and staff.
- For those pupils in Y6, the PSHE curriculum during their last term in school is designed to address transition issues. We hold transition meetings for parents and parents are invited to meetings at the secondary school.
- Throughout Year 6, a member of staff from Rawmarsh Comprehensive School visits the class and liaises with additional needs staff at the secondary school.
In addition to this for pupils on the SEND register we:
- Discuss with parents and the pupil their concerns and act on those concerns where possible.
- Ensure that transfer information is passed on to other professionals working with the pupil or family in a timely manner.
- Arrange a Team Around the Child (TAC) meeting involving all relevant professionals and the parents to develop a transition plan.
- A planning meeting will be held with the new class teacher and SENCo so that they can be prepared to meet the pupil’s additional needs from when they start the new school.
- For those pupils with an EHCP, an Annual Review will be held where the SENCo from the receiving school will be invited and a transition plan developed.
- We may develop resources such as transition books or social stories for home and school.
- We may support pupils in visiting or receiving additional visits from the staff of their new school
- We will facilitate graduated transition where this is appropriate to the needs of the pupil and is agreed with the receiving school.
Where children are transferring to a new class in our school, for all pupils:
- The receiving teacher and teaching assistant visit the children in their current class before they move.
- Hold meetings where information about each child in the class is discussed and passed on.
- In term 6, class teachers work on the Jigsaw unit ‘Changes’ which offers opportunities to prepare children for transition.
- Have transition weeks at the end of the school year where children move to their new class.
- Children who are moving to reception are invited to have a school dinner with their parent.
Where children are transferring to a new class in our school, for all pupils:
- The receiving teacher and teaching assistant visit the children in their current class before they move.
- Hold meetings where information about each child in the class is discussed and passed on.
- In term 6, class teachers work on the Jigsaw unit ‘Changes’ which offers opportunities to prepare children for transition.
- Have transition weeks at the end of the school year where children move to their new class.
- Children who are moving to reception are invited to have a school dinner with their parent.
For children with additional needs we may also, dependent on individual needs:
- Discuss with parents and pupil their concerns and act on those concerns where possible.
- Enable the child to visit the new class several times before transition weeks with the support of a teacher, Teaching Assistant or Learning Mentor.
- Arrange meetings between the new class teacher and other professionals involved in meeting the pupil’s needs.
- Teaching assistants meet to discuss the support offered to individuals.
- Train staff in any areas required to enable them to meet the pupil’s needs.
- Pass on resources or equipment specific to meeting each child’s needs.
- Carry out transition risk assessments.
- Review pen portraits and sensory questionnaires at a meeting between both teachers and parents.
- Make transition books or social stories for the child to have both at home and at school.
For all pupils joining us from another school we:
- Encourage both parents and child to visit our school before making an application for a place.
- For children joining our Foundation Unit there are meetings for parents and opportunities for children to visit.
- Liaise with the previous school so that we receive some information before the child starts.
- Inform the previous school as soon as the pupil attends our school so that full records and information can be passed on to us.
For pupils with additional needs we will, where appropriate to the pupil’s needs:
- Discuss with parents and pupil their concerns and act on those concerns where possible.
- Meet with the class teacher and/or SENCo from the previous school.
- Arrange a Team Around the Child (TAC) meeting with all professionals involved in meeting the pupil’s needs and the parents.
- Facilitate additional visits to our school.
- Support graduated transition.
- Train staff before the pupil starts at our school if required.
- Carry out risk assessments.
- Provide transition books or social stories to aid transition.
At Rawmarsh Sandhill our aim is to provide high quality first teaching in line with the SEN Code of Practice (2015). Adaptive teaching allows for each class teacher to set high expectations for every child and meet the child’s individual needs in order for the child to reach their full potential.
At Rawmarsh Sandhill Primary, we have a whole school approach to SEND and part of our strategic plans every year. The progress of children with SEND is evaluated, and is on our school development plan and a part of staff performance management.
As part of our whole school approach:
- We make sure that adjustments are in place so that children with SEND can access all the activities available in school.
- We may provide additional resources or support, or we may adapt the activity to make it accessible.
- We provide high quality support for improving everyone’s emotional and social development by encouraging and making every opportunity for children to make their views and feelings known.
- We have a rigorous report and monitoring system for bullying and investigate any complaint thoroughly and seriously
Pupils identified as having SEN are fully integrated into mainstream classes and all aspects of school life.
The main methods of provision made by the school are:
- Full-time education in classes, with additional help and support by class teacher through adaptive teaching, personalised for the individual where necessary.
- Periods of withdrawal to work with a support teacher/assistant on a one to one basis or as part of an intervention group
- In-class support with teaching assistant.
- Specialist advice from outside agencies will be used to adapt the curriculum to suit individual needs.
If appropriate, specialist equipment may be given to the pupil e.g. writing slopes, concentration cushions, pen/pencils grips or easy to use scissors
The professional development of all staff involved in meeting the needs of pupils with SEN is ongoing and continuous. A wide range of training opportunities are provided and often in light of the developing needs of our children so we can continue to provide high quality teaching and learning.
Professional development meetings are often provided by:
- SENCo or other senior leaders in school
- Other senior leaders as part of Wickersley Trust
- Staff from other agencies or support services
The most recent whole staff training has been around Demand Avoidance (PDA), Sensory Processing, Attachment and Trauma. Staff receive regular training around meeting the specific medical need of pupils in school from specialist medical trainers e.g. diabetic nurse
The National Award for SEN Coordination (NASENCo) is a statutory award for newly appointed SENCos (since 2008) in maintained schools,both SENCOs are currently working towards this award with the support and guidance of other SENCOs within Wickersley Trust.
Some of the specialised interventions are often implemented by the Teaching Assistants (TAs) in school. All teaching assistants have the relevant NVQ qualification to meet the requirements of their role. In addition to this some of our TAs have specific qualifications relating to specialised interventions/support.
Some examples are;
- Dyslexia support
- ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)
- Jump Ahead
- Speech and Language
- Physiotherapy
- Diabetes
The school recognises the important contribution that external support services make in assisting to identify, assess, and provide for SEN pupils. A graduated response will be taken to SEN. When it is considered necessary and discussion has taken place with parents, colleagues from the following support services will be involved with SEND pupils:
- Child Development Centre (CDC)
- Educational psychologists
- Medical officers
- Speech therapists. We currently have a speech and language therapist who visits regularly with the opportunity to screen all EYFS and Key Stage One children to then ensure support and early identification is achieved. The therapist will devise bespoke interventions often in small groups or one to one to be delivered regularly by a Teaching Assistant in school.
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Hearing impairment services
- Visual impairment services
- School Nurse
- Education Welfare Officer
- Social Services
- CAHMS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
- ACT (Autism Communication Team)
- With me in Mind – Social, Emotional and Mental Health support- A consultant attends school weekly to either deliver workshops, work with specific children or discuss specific consultations.
Specialist Inclusion Team (SIT) – The specialist Inclusion teacher visits school regularly and observes identified pupils. The teacher will make regular assessments of children’s progress, academic level and social interaction as well as identifying any potential barriers to learning.
All children on the SEN register have their own individual SEN plan which is reviewed termly by the class teacher with parents. These reviews will also involve the SENDCO and at times the Specialist Inclusion Teacher. The child’s individual progress is reviewed to assess the impact of support and interventions.
The SENDCOs have termly meetings with the Wickersley SEN team to discuss provision and action plan.
The school governors will also support evaluating the overall effectiveness of provision in school.
- The governing body has to take into account the SEN Code of Practice when carrying out its duties toward all pupils with special educational needs.
- The governing body has a named governor who oversees the school’s provision for pupils with special educational needs. Our named SEN governor is Michael Nicholson.
- The SENDCO reports to governors on a termly basis, about the SEN Provision, policy and practice in school.
At Rawmarsh Sandhill Primary each child’s individual needs are considered and wherever possible children are taught inclusively together with appropriate adaptive teaching to allow everyone full access to the curriculum.
All clubs, activities, trips and events are open to any child wishing to take part. If required a risk assessment is completed and reasonable adjustments made to ensure effective inclusion is achieved.
We recognise that some pupils have additional social and emotional needs. These can be seen in a variety of ways e.g. through behavioural difficulties, anxiousness or being uncommunicative.
- At Rawmarsh Sandhill Primary School we have a very effective Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) curriculum which all children access each week. This is taught through the Jigsaw scheme of work.
- School assemblies also focus on a range of PSHE issues.
- We have an effective rewards system which promotes attitudes such as respect, resilience and perseverance and rewards appropriate learning and social behaviours, this is The Sandhill Way
- Active playgrounds so that all pupils have opportunities to take part in a range of activities during playtimes.
For those children who need further support we may offer:
- Targeted work in the breakfast club to develop social skills.
- Use of the Reflection Room or Den for either sensory breaks, learning breaks or structured interventions
- Focused class, small group or individual interventions designed by class teachers in consultation with the Learning Mentor, SENDCO or With me in Mind Team..
- Learning Mentor or teaching assistant support in small group or 1-1 sessions on areas such as anger management, friendships, self-esteem.
Referral to other services who may be able to meet more complex needs e.g. CAMHS.
If you have any questions or concerns, your first point of contact should be to speak with your child’s class teacher.
If you do not feel satisfied after this initial contact you should speak to either Mrs Becky Breedon or Mrs Lucy Hartley the SENDCOs.
If the complaint is not resolved, then the school complaints procedure, which is available from the school office and the school website will be followed.
If you feel you need support to make a complaint regarding SEN provision, you may contact the local authority’s Parent Partnership Team (SENDIAS) on 01709 823627
For more detailed information regarding accessibility please see the Accessibility Plan available on the website.
The school is required by the Equality Act 2010 to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ to enable all pupils to access the learning environment. The Act defines disability as:
‘A person has a disability for the purpose of this Act if (s)he has a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.’
The definitions of disability in the Equality Act include children with long-term health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, epilepsy and cancer. Children with such conditions do not necessarily have SEN, but there is a significant overlap between disabled people and those with SEN. Children and young people therefore may be covered by both SEN and disability legislation.
- The school is on a split level site with easy access within each level (except from the reception area to the school hall where there are stairs). However the hall can be accessed via outside doors.
- There are ramps around the playgrounds to enable access to all areas.
- Wide doors enable access to most classrooms.
- There is a disabled toilet in the main reception area of school.
- We ensure wherever possible that equipment used is accessible to all children regardless of their needs.
- Extra-curricular activities are accessible for children with SEND.
- There is a disabled parking space in the car park.
- Visual timetables are on display in all classrooms.
The Children and Families Act 2014 requires Local Authorities and school to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for children and young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) aged 0-25. This is the ‘Local Offer’.
The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area.
Rotherham’s Local Offer for children with SEN and their families can be found by opening the following link:
Looked After Children (LAC) are subject to the same processes of identification and provision as all other children with SEND.
In addition to the policies and practices outlined above, for pupils who are looked after we will, depending on individual need:
- Share SEND information with all relevant services, including Social Care.
- All those with parental responsibility for the pupil will be invited to meetings regarding pupil progress and SEND.
- Where possible, SEND meetings will run alongside those required by Social Care as part of their Looked After Children procedures e.g. Statutory Review Meetings.
- Targets for SEND pupils will be incorporated into Personal Education Plans.
- Pupils who are LAC are entitled to enhanced Pupil Premium. Decisions about this would be made in consultation with all relevant stakeholders.
- LAC pupils may be referred to the Virtual School for additional mentoring in school.
- The Headteacher is also the Designated Teacher for Looked After Children so will have an overview of both processes.
Firstly, speak with your child’s class teacher. You can ask for a formal meeting where your thoughts on the matter can be recorded formally.
You may wish to attend one of the informal SEN drop in sessions which are regularly scheduled in school where you can discuss your child’s needs with other parents or even speak directly to the SENDCO either at a drop in or phone 01709710875.
If you feel your child needs a referral for assessment for a specific SEN need then evidence from school will need be gathered to support a referral. Please make the class teacher aware so a plan of action can be devised together e.g. continue to monitor child closely with regular parent meetings, gather evidence for a referral, seek other advice from outside professionals.
At Rawmarsh Primary School, the admission of children with disabilities is considered in the first instance in the same way as non-disabled children. Further considerations are made in the light of need and accessibility and the school would work with parents/carers and other agencies involved to ensure that appropriate provision could be provided. It is the school policy to accommodate children with disabilities should parents wish and individual needs are planned for to prevent any children with disabilities being treated less favourably than other children. Staff organise human and physical resources within the school to increase access to learning and participation by all children.
Education does not only happen during lessons and during the school day. Our teaching staff strive to provide a range of extra-curricular activities which are open to all students.
Subject to risk assessment, we ensure that all our students but particularly those with SEND are included in the activities available, accepting that sometimes this will mean additional arrangements to allow them to take part in activities. For example, sometimes one-to-one support on trips may be provided, depending on the level of need.
Where specific access arrangements need to be made, we involve parents/carers by:
- discussing support and risk control measures with parents/carers;
- taking advice from the place to be visited in terms of their facilities and accessibility.
Existing facilities provided to assist access to the school by children with disabilities:
- Wheelchair access onto school grounds via the entrance into both blocks of learning.
- Car park has disabled access.
- Disabled parking space
- Wheelchair access into the school.
- Carpeted classrooms to aid hearing impaired children’s learning.
- Exterior lighting to improve evening access.
- Routes to the main entrance are clearly signed and free from obstructions
- Disabled toilet
- No steps – the whole school is accessible