“We aim to send all young people into an ever-changing world able and qualified to play their full part in it.”


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Spring Term SEND Roundup

Last term, we welcomed our new ‘With Me in Mind’ Mental Health Practitioner, Hannah Blair. 

Hannah offered two coffee mornings for parents to meet her and discuss what she will be doing at Rawmarsh Sandhill, and what she can offer to our families. 

She ran successful workshops with EYFS, KS1 and lower KS2 around managing worries and anxiety – what a fantastic start to her role!

In Upper KS2, Hannah’s future plans are to discuss issues around cyberbullying and how to be a good friend online.

Mrs Hartley has also been running some very successful weekly drop-in sessions for parents/carers to support parents with any concerns. Parents/carers have had a massive input on our new SEND Information Report, and have shaped the way that this has been produced.

We look forward to building even stronger partnerships, and offering more support to our students and families throughout this summer term!

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Y5/6 Climbing!

Recently, Y5 and Y6 spent a day at the WPT climbing wall.  All the children were super determined to succeed, by climbing as high as

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